Saturday, October 13, 2007

Inviting is the most important skill you can develop.

Even if you have never sold anything in you life you can do this. You have a gift to give your contacts, the gift of a residual, passive income, the opportunity to work from home, spend more time with their families and spend time doing the things that they are passionate about.

You are not going to be trying to sell your contacts anything. You are going to offer them the chance to have their own home-based online business, the opportunity to diversify their income, to be positioned to capitalize on not one -- but three huge and growing trends.

When you internalize that fact your mind set will shift and you will find it easier to go to your contacts with a gift to give, the opportunity to make money, instead of approaching them with your hand out asking them to spend money. In other words, always present the opportunity first, if your prospect says no, then offer them the product (booking travel with you).

Inviting is the most important skill you can develop. There are a number of ways to give a good presentation including but not limited to online video, DVD presentations, recorded audios, conference calls, 3-way calls, business meetings, in-home presentations, but there is only one way to get them there - INVITE THEM!


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