Saturday, December 02, 2006

Posting Free Jobs Ads

Open a free CraigsList account using your new gmail address: go to> my account > then confirm by clicking on the email that arrives in your new gmail account.

Open a free BackPage account using your new gmail address: go to> my account > then confirm by clicking on the email that arrives in your new gmail account.

Use your imaginations in creating your own ad. Here are a couple of idea generators.

Posting Example # 1:
Heading: $2.5 million a minute

The travel industry is a $1.3 trillion US market which translates into $2.5 million a minute.

Our objective is to become the world’s largest internet travel agency. We have a unique business model that allows YOU to share in the fastest growing industry in the world, while benefiting from great travel perks, 60% commission share and generous tax deductions.

Our dedicated professionals are earning strong six-figure incomes while qualifying for company paid health and life insurance. We even guarantee a $6,000 minimum income for part-timers.

Learn more now by calling [your Skype local or 800# ring-to number] and taking our VIP tour at []

Select Full-time and Part-Time
BackPage: post to Sal;es and also select “Managerial” and “Office/Clerical”
Compensation: Six-figure commission potential. P/T $6,000 guaranteed.

Posting Example #2:
Heading: Travel like a VIP, earn like a Rock Star!

The travel industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. Our Referring Travel Agents (RTA) are riding this wave as millions of baby boomers retire and discover the world.

In addition to earning travel commissions, you will learn how to Travel Like a VIP and transform your Vacations into PAY-cations, while saving thousands of dollars in taxes.

Comprehensive TIPS – Training, Inspiration, Paychecks & Support.

Work part-time from home with a guaranteed minimum $6,000 income. Dedicated representatives earn significant six-figure incomes while qualifying for $10k-$25k bonuses and company paid health and life insurance.

Watch the online presentation now and order a free advance copy of January 2007 issue Success from Home magazine featuring our company.

Call [your 800#] and visit [your capture page] to learn more - and to earn more.